How long must we shoulder the weight of mythical illusions?
pH. An idea blog welcomes you.
The plastics and packaging industry has acted like we are the solution to their many problems. Time to call it like it is and make them pay.
Properly funding for chronic homelessness, mental illness, and addiction is more than we can manage. The alternative is a nightmare that compounds the problem, making it worse.
War has raged for centuries with the veneer of “improvement.” This time in the Ukraine, why has civility fallen so far, so fast?
Russia’s war in the Ukraine ushers in a new era of Petro-confict. If we want to effectively address the issue, we must recognize it for what it is.
We must come to terms with our past, and quickly. The present is littered with our doubts and fears, but you can brace yourself for a way forward.
If all infrastructure doesn’t support a sustainable “Green” society, it quickly becomes part of the problem.
Green Jobs present the best way forward to revitalizing our economy. But first, you have to transform them.